Source code for desfire.protocol

"""MIFARE DESFire communication protocol for Python.

For DESFire overview:


For list of DESFire commands see:






from __future__ import print_function

import logging
import time

from .device import Device
from .util import byte_array_to_human_readable_hex, dword_to_byte_array, word_to_byte_array

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#: File kind bits set on a DESFire file
    0x00: "Standard Data Files",
    0x01: "Backup Data Files",
    0x02: "Value Files with Backup",
    0x03: "Linear Record Files with Backup",
    0x04: "Cyclic Record Files with Backup",

#: Communication requirements bits set a on DESFire file
    0x00: "Plain communication",
    0x01: "Plain communication secured by DES/3DES MACing",
    0x03: "Fully DES/3DES enciphered communication",

#: Error code translation mappings
    0x9d: "Permission denied",
    0x1c: "Limited credit",
    0xae: "Authentication error",
    0x7e: "Length error when sending the command",
    0x0c: "No changes",
    0xf0: "File not found",
    0xbd: "File not found",

[docs]class DESFireCommunicationError(Exception): """Outgoing DESFire command received a non-OK reply. The exception message is human readable translation of the error code if available. The ``status_code`` carries the original status word error byte. """ def __init__(self, msg, status_code): super(DESFireCommunicationError, self).__init__(msg) self.status_code = status_code
[docs]class DESFire(object): """MIFare DEefire EV1 communication protocol for NFC cards.""" def __init__(self, device, logger=None): """ :param device: :py:class:`desfire.device.Device` implementation :param logger: Python :py:class:`logging.Logger` used for logging output. Overrides the default logger. Extensively uses ``INFO`` logging level. """ assert isinstance(device, Device), "Not a compatible device instance: {}".format(device) self.device = device if logger: self.logger = logger else: self.logger = _logger
[docs] def communicate(self, apdu_cmd, description, allow_continue_fallthrough=False): """Communicate with a NFC tag. Send in outgoing request and waith for a card reply. TODO: Handle additional framing via 0xaf :param apdu_cmd: Outgoing APDU command as array of bytes :param description: Command description for logging purposes :param allow_continue_fallthrough: If True 0xAF response (incoming more data, need mode data) is instantly returned to the called instead of trying to handle it internally :raise: :py:class:`desfire.protocol.DESFireCommunicationError` on any error :return: tuple(APDU response as list of bytes, bool if additional frames are inbound) """ result = [] additional_framing_needed = True # TODO: Clean this up so read/write implementations have similar mechanisms and all continue is handled internally while additional_framing_needed: apdu_cmd_hex = [hex(c) for c in apdu_cmd] self.logger.debug("Running APDU command %s, sending: %s", description, apdu_cmd_hex) resp = self.device.transceive(apdu_cmd) self.logger.debug("Received APDU response: %s", byte_array_to_human_readable_hex(resp)) if resp[-2] != 0x91: raise DESFireCommunicationError("Received invalid response for command: {}".format(description), resp[-2:]) # Possible status words: status = resp[-1] # Check for known error interpretation error_msg = ERRORS.get(status) if error_msg: raise DESFireCommunicationError(error_msg, status) if status == 0xaf: if allow_continue_fallthrough: additional_framing_needed = False else: # Need to loop more cycles to fill in receive buffer additional_framing_needed = True apdu_cmd = self.wrap_command(0xaf) # Continue elif status != 0x00: raise DESFireCommunicationError("Error {:02x} when communicating".format(status), status) else: additional_framing_needed = False # This will un-memoryview this object as there seems to be some pyjnius # bug getting this corrupted down along the line unframed = list(resp[0:-2]) result += unframed return result
[docs] def parse_application_list(self, resp): """Handle response for command 0x6a list applications. DESFire application ids are 24-bit integers. :param resp: DESFire response as byte array :return: List of parsed application ids """ pointer = 0 apps = [] while pointer < len(resp): app_id = (resp[pointer] << 16) + (resp[pointer+1] << 8) + resp[pointer+2] self.logger.debug("Reading %d %08x", pointer, app_id) apps.append(app_id) pointer += 3 return apps
[docs] def get_applications(self): """Get all applications listed in Desfire root. TODO: Check byte order here :return: List of 24-bit intesx :raise: :py:class:`desfire.protocol.DESFireCommunicationError` on any error """ # cmd = self.wrap_command(0x6a) resp = self.communicate(cmd, "Read applications") apps = self.parse_application_list(resp) return apps
[docs] def wrap_command(cls, command, parameters=None): """Wrap a command to native DES framing. :param command: Command byte :param parameters: Command parameters as list of bytes """ if parameters: return [0x90, command, 0x00, 0x00, len(parameters)] + parameters + [0x00] else: return [0x90, command, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]
[docs] def select_application(self, app_id): """Choose application on a card on which all the following file commands will apply. TODO: Check byte order here :param app_id: 24-bit int :raise: :py:class:`desfire.protocol.DESFireCommunicationError` on any error """ # parameters = [ (app_id >> 16) & 0xff, (app_id >> 8) & 0xff, (app_id >> 0) & 0xff, ] apdu_command = self.wrap_command(0x5a, parameters) self.communicate(apdu_command, "Selecting application {:06X}".format(app_id))
[docs] def get_file_ids(self): # apdu_command = self.wrap_command(0x6f) resp = self.communicate(apdu_command, "Listing files") # Byte ids are directly the ids of files return resp
[docs] def authenticate(self, app_id, key_id, private_key=[0x00] * 16): """Hacked together Android only DESFire authentication. Desfire supports multiple authentication modes, see: * Here we use legacy authentication (0xa0) :param app_id: 24-bit app id :param key_id: One of 0-16 keys on the card as byte :param private_key: 8 or 16 bytes of private key """ raise NotImplementedError("Still needs to be done in a proper manner.")
# from jnius import autoclass # from jnius import cast # # Cipher = autoclass("javax.crypto.Cipher") # SecretKeySpec = autoclass("javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec") # SecretKeyFactory = autoclass("javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory") # IvParameterSpec = autoclass("javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec") # DESKeySpec = autoclass("javax.crypto.spec.DESKeySpec") # DESedeKeySpec = autoclass("javax.crypto.spec.DESedeKeySpec") # String = autoclass("java.lang.String") # # apdu_command = self.wrap_command(0x0a, [key_id]) # resp = self.communicate(apdu_command, "Authenticating application {:06X}".format(app_id)) # # # # # # random_b_encrypted = list(resp) # assert len(random_b_encrypted) == 8 # # #bytes = String("xxxxXXXXxxxxXXXX").getBytes() # #des_key_spec = DESedeKeySpec(bytes) # # cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DESede/ECB/NoPadding","BC") # # secret_key_spec = SecretKeySpec(private_key, "DESede") # secret_key = cast("", secret_key_spec) # # cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, secret_key) # random_b_decrypted = list(cipher.doFinal(random_b_encrypted)) # self.logger.debug("Decrypted random B %s", byte_array_to_human_readable_hex(random_b_decrypted)) # # # Let's pick up by fire dice # # This let's us skip one XOR'ing # # # random_a = [0x00] * 8 # # cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secret_key) # # rotated_b = random_b_decrypted[1:] + random_b_decrypted[0:1] # cipher_text = list(cipher.update(random_a)) + list(cipher.doFinal(rotated_b)) # # self.logger.debug("Sending in cipher text %s", byte_array_to_human_readable_hex(cipher_text)) # assert len(cipher_text) == 16 # # apdu_command = self.wrap_command(0xaf, cipher_text) # resp = self.communicate(apdu_command, "Sending auth response") # # # #
[docs] def get_file_settings(self, file_id): """Get DESFire file settings. :param file_id: File id as a byte :return: File description dict. """ apdu_command = self.wrap_command(0xf5, [file_id]) resp = self.communicate(apdu_command, "Reading file description {:02X}".format(file_id)) file_desc = { "type": FILE_TYPES[resp[0]], "communication": FILE_COMMUNICATION[resp[1]], "rw_flags": resp[2:4], } if resp[0] == 0x03: # Linear record file file_desc.update({ # Length of ONE records "record_length": resp[4] | (resp[5] << 8) | (resp[6] << 16), "num_of_records": resp[7], }) elif resp[0] == 0x00: # Data file file_desc.update({ "file_length": resp[4] | (resp[5] << 8) | (resp[6] << 16), }) else: raise NotImplementedError("Please fill in logic for file type {:02X}".format(resp[0])) return file_desc
[docs] def get_value(self, file_id): """Get stored value. :param file_id: Stored value file id :return: Integer. :raise: :py:class:`desfire.protocol.DESFireCommunicationError` on any error """ apdu_command = self.wrap_command(0x6c, [file_id]) resp = self.communicate(apdu_command, "Reading value {:02X}".format(file_id)) return (resp[3] << 24) | (resp[2] << 16) | (resp[1] << 8) | resp[0]
[docs] def credit_value(self, file_id, added_value): """Increase stored value. :param file_id: (byte) :param added_value: (int, 32 bit) Value to be added to the current value :raise: :py:class:`desfire.protocol.DESFireCommunicationError` on any error """ value = dword_to_byte_array(added_value) apdu_command = self.wrap_command(0x0c, [file_id] + value) self.communicate(apdu_command, "Crediting file {:02X} value {:08X}".format(file_id, added_value))
[docs] def debit_value(self, file_id, value_decrease): """Decrease stored value. :param file_id: (byte) :param value_decrease: (int, 32 bit) How much we reduce from existing value Example :: class BurnerScreen(Screen): '''Continuously keep decreasing credits on the card.''' def on_enter(self): Logger.debug("Entering burner screen") nfc_controller.callback = self.detect_new_tag self.timer = None self.device = None def detect_new_tag(self, tag): Logger.debug("Detected tag %s", tag) self.tag = tag self.device = deviceDep.get(tag) self.device.connect() self.start_burner_cycle() def start_burner_cycle(self): Logger.debug("Starting next burner cycle") self.timer = Timer(0.3, self.burn) self.timer.start() def burn(self): Logger.debug("Running burner cycle") try: if not self.device.isConnected(): # We have lost the tag return desfire = DESFire(self.device, Logger) desfire.select_application(XXX_APP_ID) desfire.debit_value(XXX_FILE_STORED_VALUE, 1) new_value = desfire.get_value(XXX_FILE_STORED_VALUE) desfire.commit() # Show how much value we have after burn self.value.text = "%d" % new_value # Do next tick self.start_burner_cycle() except Exception as e: # Most likely exception from device tag communications, tag moved away during communications tb = traceback.format_exc() Logger.exception(str(e)) Logger.exception(tb) finally: # Tell pyjnius we are done with this thread jnius.detach() def cancel(self): self.close() def close(self): if self.device: self.device.close() # jnius threads are not cancellable # if self.timer: # self.timer.cancel() nfc_controller.callback = None self.manager.switch_to(NFCScreen()) """ value = dword_to_byte_array(value_decrease) apdu_command = self.wrap_command(0xdc, [file_id] + value) self.communicate(apdu_command, "Debiting file {:02X} value {:08X}".format(file_id, value_decrease))
[docs] def commit(self): """Commit all write changes to the card. Example :: def top_up(self, tag, added_value): device = deviceDep.get(tag) device.connect() desfire = DESFire(device, Logger) try: desfire.select_application(XXX_APP_ID) old_value = desfire.get_value(0x01) desfire.credit_value(0x01, added_value) desfire.commit() return old_value finally: device.close() """ apdu_command = self.wrap_command(0xc7) self.communicate(apdu_command, "Commiting file changes")
[docs] def delete_file(self, file_id): """Delete a file. :param file_id: byte """ apdu_command = self.wrap_command(0xDF, [file_id]) self.communicate(apdu_command, "Deleting file {:02X}".format(file_id))
[docs] def create_value_file(self, file_id, communication_settings, access_permissions, min_value, max_value, current_value, limited_credit_enabled): """Create a new value file. :param file_id: (byte) :param communication_settings: (byte) See FILE_COMMUNICATION :param access_permissions: (word) 0xeeee Everybody has read write access :param current_value: (dword) :param max_value: (dword) :param min_value: (dword) :param limited_credit_enabled: (byte) Allows limited increase in value file without having full credit permission. Example :: def write_card(self, tag, value): device = deviceDep.get(tag) device.connect() desfire = DESFire(device, Logger) try: desfire.select_application(XXX_APP_ID) file_ids = desfire.get_file_ids() if XXX_FILE_STORED_VALUE in file_ids: old_value = desfire.get_value(XXX_FILE_STORED_VALUE) desfire.delete_file(XXX_FILE_STORED_VALUE) else: old_value = None desfire.create_value_file(file_id=XXX_FILE_STORED_VALUE, communication_settings=0x00, access_permissions=0xeeee, min_value=0, max_value=1000000, current_value=value, limited_credit_enabled=0) return old_value finally: device.close() """ parameters = [file_id] assert communication_settings in FILE_COMMUNICATION parameters += [communication_settings] parameters += [access_permissions & 0xff, access_permissions >> 8] parameters += dword_to_byte_array(min_value) parameters += dword_to_byte_array(max_value) parameters += dword_to_byte_array(current_value) parameters += [limited_credit_enabled] apdu_command = self.wrap_command(0xcc, parameters) self.communicate(apdu_command, "Creating value file {:02X}".format(file_id))
[docs] def read_linear_record_file(self, file_id, offset_in_records, length_in_records): """Read all records of a linear record file. :param file_id: File id, 8-bit int :param offset_in_records: First record to read, 16-bit int :param length_in_records: Number of records to read, 16-bit int :return: File data as bytes """ raise NotImplementedError()
# This will simply read the whole file once # parameters = [file_id] # parameters = [file_id, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00] # # parameters += word_to_byte_array(offset_in_records) # # parameters += [0x00] # 24-bit # # parameters += word_to_byte_array(length_in_records) # # parameters += [0x00] # 24-bit # # apdu_command = self.wrap_command(0xbb, parameters) # return self.communicate(apdu_command, "Reading bytes from offset {} length {} in a line record file file {:02X}".format(offset_in_records, length_in_records, file_id))
[docs] def read_data_file(self, file_id): """Read standard data file. If the data file is unwritten (no single write since card format) it should return 0x00 as data after format. Example:: def write_test(desfire): '''Write a long data file to see card write functions work. Assume the card is formatted with 7000 bytes test file. If we do not fill in file bytes during write, then the next read will reflect back whatever garbage we left there unwritten. ''' logger.debug("Writing and reading back a test file") desfire.select_application(XXX_APP_ID) file_settings = desfire.get_file_settings(XXX_BACKCHANNEL_FILE) logger.debug("File settings info %s", file_settings) data = [0xff] data += [0xaa] * 4000 data += [0xbb] desfire.write_data_file(XXX_BACKCHANNEL_FILE, data) # Standard files do not have any kind of commit of write corruption or commit support, # so no need to commit here # Now read it back read_back_data = desfire.read_data_file(XXX_BACKCHANNEL_FILE) assert len(read_back_data) == 7000 assert data == read_back_data[0:4002] :param file_id: File id to read, 8-bit int :return: List of bytes """ parameters = [file_id, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00] start_time = time.time() apdu_command = self.wrap_command(0xbd, parameters) buffer = self.communicate(apdu_command, "Reading data file {:02X}".format(file_id)) duration = time.time() - start_time self.logger.debug("Finished reading %d bytes in %f seconds", len(buffer), duration) return buffer
[docs] def write_linear_record_file_record(self, file_id, offset_in_records, length_in_records, data): """Write n records in a linear record file. :param file_id: File id, 8-bit int :param offset_in_records: First record to read, 16-bit int :param length_in_records: Number of records to read, 16-bit int :param data: bytes or list of bytes :return: File data as bytes """ raise NotImplementedError()
# parameters = [file_id] # parameters += word_to_byte_array(offset_in_records) # parameters += [0x00] # 24bit # parameters += word_to_byte_array(length_in_records) # parameters += [0x00] # 24bit # #parameters += [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00] # # data_pointer = 0 # max_apdu_write_length = 52 # # while data_pointer < len(data): # chunk = data[data_pointer:data_pointer + max_apdu_write_length] # parameters = parameters + chunk # apdu_command = self.wrap_command(0x3d, parameters) # self.communicate(apdu_command, "Writing line record file file {:02X} offset {} length {} current write pointer {}".format(file_id, offset_in_records, length_in_records, data_pointer))
[docs] def write_data_file(self, file_id, data): """Write the data to a standard data file. :param file_id: File number to write, 8-bit int :param data: Data as bytes or array of bytes """ parameters = [file_id] parameters += word_to_byte_array(0) # offset 0 parameters += [0x00] # 24-bit parameters += word_to_byte_array(len(data)) parameters += [0x00] # 24-bit data_pointer = 0 max_apdu_write_length = 47 # Actual max value found by experimenting command = 0x3d # WRITE DATA cycles = 0 start_time = time.time() self.logger.debug("Attempting to write %d bytes to a data file %02x", len(data), file_id) while data_pointer < len(data): chunk = data[data_pointer:data_pointer + max_apdu_write_length] parameters = parameters + chunk apdu_command = self.wrap_command(command, parameters) self.communicate(apdu_command, "Writing line record file file {:02X}, current command {:02X} write pointer: {}".format(file_id, command, data_pointer), allow_continue_fallthrough=True) data_pointer += max_apdu_write_length # Use different parameters for the 2nd ... nth write cycle command = 0xaf # CONTINUE max_apdu_write_length = 54 parameters = [] cycles += 1 duration = time.time() - start_time self.logger.debug("Finished writing %d bytes in %d commands and %f seconds", len(data), cycles, duration)